Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bloggy Bloggy Blog

So I am jumping on the bandwagon and starting a blog (which everyone seems to be doing lately) and although I may be new to actually posting on a blog, I have been following several different baking blogs for the past couple years. I am enthralled with Joy the Baker and Smitten Kitchen. I've also come upon Brown Eyed Baker and The Pioneer Woman Cooks and I am definitely falling in love with them.

I learned to love and appreciate the art of cooking  from a young age. I am from the South and cooking and food always has been and always will be a huge part of our lives. I think we spent more time in the kitchen than any other room in all of our homes. I learned from the best: My Mom and my Aunt. They both are so skilled in the kitchen without ever having taken a class. I would put my Mom up against Bobby Flay any day of the week. Now I do love cooking and creating as does my wonderful Mommy. She made cakes growing up (wedding, birthday, special occasion) that would knock your socks off but that's about as far as her baking went, she just didn't have the time. I on the other hand love the baking side more. I can remember the first time she helped me make cookies when I was about 6 years old. I was so proud of them and when my Dad came home and ate one and declared it the best thing he'd ever eaten...I was hooked. The baking bug bit me.

I find something so soothing in creaming butter and sugar, pounding out dough, and scalding cream only to turn it into luscious ganache by adding chopped up bittersweet chocolate. Someone asked me once "Why Baking"? To which I replied "Hey, it's cheaper than therapy". That's what baking is to's therapy. It's time for me to forget about my issues or problems and just immerse myself in creating something that is going to make someones day that much better. I absolutely LOVE seeing the looks on the faces of family and friends when you present them with a homemade goodie, the joy when they pop something in their mouths, and supreme satisfaction of eating something they really enjoy.

So why baking? Because it makes me happy, it reminds me of home, and it's comfort.  I've said it before, but I'm not happy unless my hands are covered in butter and brown sugar and that's a good thing.

I'm not entirely sure what all this blog will be about, baking for sure or maybe posts about my life.

I hope you enjoy what you read here and feel free to leave comments! Thanks!
Ginger Lime Sugars

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